empower lokayukta

empower lokayukta
empower lokayukta

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Executive Member Training : Katari Srinivasa Rao

Katari Srinivasa Rao, General Secretary of Loksatta Party visited Bangalore office on Sept 13th 2009

We invited him to Bangalore to give us his inputs on building the party here  and
share his valuable experiences for the past 12 years he has been associated with Loksatta.
All LSPK Executive Members were invited to this training/interaction with Mr. Katari.

The session started at 10:30AM and ended at 3:30PM with a brief lunch break.  Katari spoke on a wide range of topics; from organizational activity to leadership; from doing field level surveys to campaigning for elections. From preparing manifestos to posters and other material. Almost every aspect of his talk is drawn from personal experiences from recent past and this made the entire
event extremely interesting and all of us had a great time listening, learning and asking questions.

The main focus was on identifying  and running political activities. Katari enthralled us with real life experiences from field and every example he quoted made a great impact on all of us.  It is indeed a great  experience for all members to listen to Mr. Katari who took on the role of a Professor
(some of you know, he is actually a Computer Science Professor at CBIT but taking a rather long break from his faculty position at the moment) and had his students actively engaged in listening and interacting for more than 4 hours.  About 45 executive members of LSPK attended this session.

More Photos posted here: 


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

JP in Bengaluru : A quick summary

It has been a wonderful weekend at Loksatta Karnataka Chapter. Dr JP was in town for several events, a conference in Jain University, a talk at IISc (Indian Institute of Science), several press interviews (see our website ) and LSP Members meet.

Details will be posted later, but I realized lot of folks are looking for some news from here browsing the Orkut Official Loksatta community (I discovered this just today, thanks to Raj, sounds like an exciting place to be for all of us LSP members! More power to Orkut!)

The main event undoubtedly is our very first  'members only' meet on Saturday. See [Pictures here ]

When we first decided to do this meeting for members only, we were little worried about the response since attending a public meeting (like we had on the 17th July in Koramangala ) is quite different from enrolling as a member (that too with not a user friendly title "Executive Member") and being a card carrying member of a political party.  But we now learned not to underestimate the passion for LSP!

It was overwhelming to see more than 150 "Executive" members (did I mention 'Executive?') all in one room with Dr. JP for more than 4 hours.  Best part is many of them stayed long after meeting got over
to chat with others and see what they can do next! We are certain that this meeting is going to make a huge difference for our upcoming activities and help us go to the next level!

We started the event with couple of speeches from LSP Karnataka Members. Mr Yogiah, who is one of the first members of LSP in Bangalore, spoke passionately about the door-to-door campaign he started along with a bunch of other volunteers. His team's experience has been terrific in creating the awareness about LSP with local folks who might have never heard of LSP before. Mr. Yogiah is ready to contest the upcoming BBMP polls!  Dr. Meenakshi who is renowned Gynecologist and also spearheading solid waste management activities in Malleshwaram spoke about why she is willing to come into public life and our duties as responsible citizens and leaders.   Dr. JP announced formally that Dr. Meenakshi became an executive member and will be contesting the upcoming BBMP elections in Bangalore. This is indeed a big boost for LSP and we look forward to the upcoming election.

Dr. JP started his speech by lighting a lamp to celebrate Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's birthday and speaking briefly about  fundamental rights (fascinated by his deep reverence to our constitution)
and our executive membership model and course of action for near term future.

Since this is designed to be an 'internal' meeting, the members asked extremely relevant questions about building the party, taking our message to people and highlighting our weaknesses etc. We will be posting a summary of questions and responses soon..

One of the common questions we get from new members is 'So, I became a member, what do I do now?' or "I have very little time, how can I contribute?" - we designed the venue in such a way that there are booths set up (somewhat like a conference exhibition) for each of the 'teams' we have created here in Bangalore. For example, a booth for 'Fund Raising', 'Volunteer Management' "Media and PR" , 'Women's group' etc.

We put up brief descriptions of what these groups are supposed to do and volunteers were present to explain the role of each of these groups. New members could discuss with existing members, understand
what the expectations are and then sign up to one of the groups they want to contribute their time to.

Based on my own conversations with more than 40 new faces, I think this went well.  Folks appreciated the clarity and our attempt to make them join a group of their preference rather than asking them on work on something they may not feel comfortable with or not have much passion about!

Many thanks to Mr. Purandhar for providing lunch for all the members at the venue.

More later..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rare occasion : agree with YSR!

A.P Chief Minister YSR says "TDP in finished"  -  it appears that way to me too..

Indian Express "TDP is finished : YSR"

Not because of so called Operation Akarsh or other political games,  but because..

1. People of A.P are sick and tired of choosing a better evil

2. TDP does not seem to understand the role of a political party in democracy. see this:

Dr. JP pointed out that the budget envisaged a daily outlay of nearly Rs.283 crore. Yet, the Assembly passed all the demands without any debate on the last day of its session by voice vote.

3. There are viable alternatives to Congress now in A.P gaining momentum not just in
educated middle class but in all sections of society.

I think you know what that alternative is.