empower lokayukta

empower lokayukta
empower lokayukta

Monday, May 11, 2009

Thank you Mauritius

India Inc. has had a fantastic run and continue to be relatively strong despite of global recession.

We, as in everyone who has interest in India Inc doing well, who  has stocks and mutual funds must take a moment to thank one tiny little country that makes it all happen :  Mauritius


43% of FDI (that's Foreign Direct Investment) coming into India is coming from Mauritius.

The people of Mauritius believe in the growth story of India so they invest millions in India
In fact they invested Rs 1, 52, 767, 0000000 (yeah crores) between April 2000-Jan 2009
in India 43% of all such investments coming from outside India.

btw, population of Mauritius : 12, 75, 000  (not crores)

what's the point you ask?

Mauritius is the perfect place to convert black money to white.   Black money makes its way to Maurtius and comes back into India as an FDI.  The tax laws are favorable for such 'round tripping' and before you know it, all kinds of people are moving their money to Mauritius and bringing it back (as squeaky clean white as it gets) to India.   

shall we change FDI to  IIDI  (Indian In Direct Investment)??

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