empower lokayukta

empower lokayukta
empower lokayukta

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A rare opportunity

When citizens in Andhra Pradesh go to polls this April for electing their representatives to State Assembly and Parliament, they have an opportunity that millions of Indians have been waiting for years.

A New Age Party is going to be on the ballot paper. A Party built by people who do not consider politics as a business proposition. By people who did not want to give up on electoral politics because 'we can't do anything now'. By people who are like you and me. Educated, Middle-class, Young professionals with day jobs, Retired folks who got sick of the system and with a strong desire to 'do something' instead of analyzing the rotten state of politics and criticizing the 'system' folks that have made it big in society and are eager to "give something back" I can go on and on but the most important thing that binds them I think is the fear of leaving a bleak future to our next generations and the realization that it is not too late for us to get involved.

These people are true believers of " Be the Change You want to see in Others"

Lok Satta is founded by JayaPrakash Narayan (fondly referred to as "JP" but not the '70s JP you might know) many years ago after spending years in the Government as an IAS officer, not as a political party but as civic awareness organization. Over the years, they have done amazing things to introduce legislation and reforms to voter rights, voter registration, RTI among other things. Like many other NGOs, they stayed away from 'active' politics but one fine day, the reality dawned upon them that broad 'systemic' changes can only happen when we participate in the democratic process and reignite the spirit of public service that was once responsible to unite this entire country to stand up against a much larger enemy and emerge victorious. The enemy is entirely different now but the damage can be much larger. No wonder it strikes a chord when JP says 'we need to be ready for the 2nd Freedom Movement'

In my humble opinion, Lok Satta offers a rare opportunity to the people of Andhra Pradesh. Vote for candidates that you believe in bringing about a change. Vote for a party that you know is committed to public service and understands the role of government. Vote for people that do not believe in 'investing in elections' in order to make 'returns' when they elected. Vote for people that are not interested in public office because it will 'help' their business interests.

Are we ready to use this opportunity?

1 comment:

  1. To make a difference in Elections and to clean the dirty politics we must encourage people like JP and his party Loksatta.
