empower lokayukta

empower lokayukta
empower lokayukta

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Investment ideas for election season

based on "buying" trends and forecasts coming out of A.P here are some ideas you can use today to start your business 

1. Cricket Kits :  a bat, few balls, stumps, pads (high quality), guards, gloves ..

2. Sweet Packets : small cardboard boxes that can carry cash and small liquor bottles. The label should be  "Sri Sweets"  and does not need to actually carry any sweets. Any other innovative packaging products that can conceal the actual contents can have a huge market.

3. Biriyani - if you can design and deliver a instant biriyani making machine tomorrow, you can retire in 4 weeks.

4. Masks : thanks to Modi, this seems to be the in-thing now. Though volumes may not reach as much as other ideas, margins could be great as there are thousands of chamchas willing to buy 'em and whatever price you quote.  

5. Liquor : duh!  believe me, the existing companies cannot make them fast enough. there is room for more players in this market segment.  

6. Shirts, Kurtas.  Must be White.  Khadi is good.  Khadi look alike works.

I'm not kidding. Take a look

but there is hope after all

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